Private School
The Schools Procurement Committee of a reputable independent school in Lusaka is seeking proposals from photography companies, and individuals asking the selected vendor to provide the following photography services for a period requested. The goal of the School is to achieve a combination of minimal fees and maximum convenience and quality of photographs to our pupils. The following services must be provided at a minimum. The responding photography service contractor may offer to provide additional useful services to the schools. Any other service(s) which the contractor would want to offer the schools for the length of the agreement may be provided supplementary to the proposal and clearly marked as such. Fees for any other additional services should be itemized separately in your proposal.
Oral Presentation/Interview
Companies may be required to make an oral presentation or be interviewed by The Schools Procurement Committee or other school officials. Such presentations or interviews provide an opportunity for the vendor to clarify the proposal and to ensure mutual understanding.
Vendor Responsibilities
The selected vendor will be required to assume responsibility for all services offered in the proposal. The Schools will consider the selected vendor to be the sole point of contact with regard to contractual matters.
If any part of the required services is subcontracted, permission must be obtained from the Schools Procurement Committee. Any such subcontracting must be detailed and explained. The company shall indicate in the proposal whether this will occur.
Proposals should be prepared providing a straightforward description of the vendor’s ability to meet the requirements. Responses must contain the following:
1. Legal name and mailing address of the applicant.
2. Name, title, mailing address and telephone number of the person responsible for approving and submitting the information provided.
3. Letter of Intent for the provision of Services;
4. Curriculum Vitae (CV) / Company Portfolio
5. Sample Works Portfolio