Civil Aviation Authority
The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), a Statutory Body established by the Government of the Republic of Zambia under Section 3 of the Civil Aviation Authority Act No. 7 of 2012 to provide for the regulation and promotion of Civil Aviation in Zambia, is inviting applications from suitably qualified and experienced persons who are ambitious, innovative, energetic and performance driven to fill the vacancy of Inspector Fire Rescue Services.
The Civil Aviation Authority is inviting applications from suitably qualified candidates to fill the position of Inspector Fire Rescue Services.
To undertake effectively the regulation of Aerodrome Rescue and Firefighting Services to ensure adherence to National and International Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs).
• Undertake Rescue and Firefighting Services certification, audit and surveillance of aerodromes operations and facilities to ensure that they meet national and International Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs).
• Undertake aerodrome inspections to ensure national requirements are met prior to issuance of an aerodrome operating Certificate/licence;
• Ensure effective regulation of Aerodrome Rescue and Firefighting Services personnel, equipment and coordination of emergency preparedness in order to facilitate the mitigation of aircraft accidents and other airport emergencies.
• Ensure effective regulation of airport emergency services, equipment, personnel procedures in order to have adequate coordination and preparedness in the event of aircraft accident and incidents.
• Undertake effective control of developments in the vicinity of aerodromes to conform the Wildlife Management Plan.
• Undertake effective approval and auditing of the airport safety management system and ensure that aerodrome operators implement a safety management system through a progressive approach in order to minimize hazards and risks at aerodromes.
• Undertake the formulation and promulgation of aerodrome regulations and technical guidance material on Aerodrome Rescue and Firefighting Services in line with ICAO SARPs and ICAO docs.
(a) Minimum Primary/Secondary Education:
• Full Form V /Grade 12 Certificate with minimum of five (5) “O” Levels with credits including English and Mathematics.
(b) Minimum Vocational/Professional Qualifications:
• BEng/BSc/Diploma in Fire Engineering or any other related qualifications
• Fire Officers Course
• The applicant MUST be a member of the Fire Service Association of Zambia with a current membership.
(c) Minimum Relevant Pre-Job Experience:
3 years
(d) Other Attributes
Negotiation skills, computer literate, analytical skills, diplomacy, and familiarity with ICAO Convention, functions, standards and recommended practices.
Applicants who meet the above qualifications MUST:
• submit a signed application letter accompanied by detailed Curriculum Vitae including three (3) traceable referees and day time telephone numbers and contact address.
• Submit listed relevant qualifications.
• Submit a National Registration Card.
• Foreign qualifications or certificates should be accompanied by verification from Zambia Qualifications Authority.
All applications should reach the undersigned not later than 21st May, 2024.
Note: CAA is an equal opportunity employer, and encourages females and differently abled Zambian individuals to apply.
Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Apply to:
The Director-General
Civil Aviation Authority
Former Zambia Airways Technical Base Hanger 38/947
Kenneth Kaunda International Airport
P.O. Box 50137