Ministry of Agriculture
Country: Zambia
Name of Project: PIDACC
Loan No: 2100150043498
Project identification no: 21-C00-075 ADF
The Goverment of the Republic of Zambia has received a loan from the African Development Fund (ADF) to finance the Zambia Project Multinational Programme for Integrated Development and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Zambezi River Basin (PIDACC Zambezi).
The Principal Objective of this project is to “build strong communities that are resilient to climatic and economic shocks in the Zambezi Watercourse, through promoting inclusive and transformative investments, job-creation and ecosystem-based solutions.”
The Project includes the following components:
Component 1: Component 1 – Building Communities’ Resilience to Climate Change,
Component 2: Strengthening Integrated Natural Resources Management
Component 3: Supporting Adaptive Capacity and Institutional Capacity
To ensure effective implementation of projects activities, the following positions for Project Implementation Unit (PIU) staff are to be filled by qualified nationals.
Period: Five (5) years (1 Year, Renewable, Performance Based Contract)
Nature of Job: Full time at the PIU
Reporting: Project Coordinator (PIU)
Terms of Reference
The Socio Economist/Gender Specialist will be responsible for the overall management of mainstreaming gender and socio-economic issues into the activities of the Project and will work closely with other PIU members and relevant officials of MoA.
Specific Terms of Reference
a) Develop socio-economic and gender strategy in line with the project’s design and in consultations with the relevant stakeholders:
b) Develop an action plan to mainstream socio-economic and gender issues in the three components of the project:
c) Provide technical support and developing guidelines and tools to assist experts in addressing social and gender issues in the different intervention; and
d) Develop a gender-responsive M&E framework and indicators for monitoring for the project implementation.
e) Facilitate the integration of the social and gender concerns in the design and the constructions of social infrastructure facilities;
l) Identify in consultation with the beneficiaries” high socio-economic impact alternative livelihood activities;
g) Organize communities/beneficiaries to assess the appropriate alternative livelihood solution taken into account the challenges hindering full participation by some members of the communities;
h) Establishment criteria for selection, facilitation access of the beneficiaries to the funds for the alternative livelihood;
i) Help in conducting training need assessment and in designing training packages for alternative livelihood;
j) Help in establishing a gender sensitive skill training centre that cater for women and youth’s training needs;
k) Graduates placement scheme, engage with the senior management of the PIU to include the social and the gender concerns to increase the skills base of youth;
l) Review and provide guidance for the Radio IC materials;
m) Organize “community discussions groups” around Radio Programs;
n) Identify actions to ensure that gender equitable measures are integrated within the project institutional mechanisms and skills and capacities of local actors, e.g. Community Resource Boards, Village Development Committees.
o) Conduct periodical socio-economic assessment starting by the current situation, midpoint of implementation and propose any changes/modification that deem necessary.
p) Assist the Monitoring and Evaluation Expert to develop a social and gender-responsive MIS system which can provide and report on the beneficiaries in gender disaggregated data. This includes integrating gender demission into the baseline survey for the start of the project, reflecting gender issues in the regular reports, quarterly and annual reports.
q) Outline and propose work plan of all social and gender concerns of the projects, including the activities already identified and any activities that emerge during implementation.
Qualification and Experience:
- First University Degree in Social Sciences or Sociology; additional training in gender is an advantage;
- At last 5 years of experience in social development work including: a) Social mobilization; b) Participatory approach for ownership and sustainability. c) Training assessment and development of training packages; d) Low income context within the context of natural resources; e) Social survey techniques and the interpretation of social data; f) Gender mainstreaming.
- At least 3 years in bilateral or multilateral donor-funded programmes, working with multi- disciplinary teams (including technical expects such as fishers, forester, and agriculture experts).
- Familiarity with development partner frameworks for results monitoring. Experience with AfDB is an advantage.
- Computer literate with demonstrable proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, Project and Access, or equivalent and have the ability to develop, install and manage databases.
- Excellent writing, presentation and interpersonal skills.
- Excellent analytical skills and ability to effectively communicate with a broad range of audiences.
The Ministry of Agriculture now invites applications from suitable consultants for the above listed positions under PIDACC-ZAMBEZI project. Eligibility criteria, establishment of the short-list and the selection procedure shall be in accordance with the Procurement Policy and Methodology for Bank Group Funded Operations, dated October 2015, which is available on the Bank’s website at http://www.afdb.org. The PIU will be based in Lusaka.
Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours.
Head – Procurement and Supplies Unit
Ministry of Agriculture
Mulungushi House, Independence Avenue
Po Box 50197,
[email protected]
Expressions of Interest must be clearly labelled with the position applied for ending with letters PIDACC-ZAMBEZI and deposited in the Tender Box on the Ground Floor, Room G3 at the address below by Tuesday, 13th February, 2024 at 10:00hours. Faxed applications will not be accepted.
The Applications should be addressed to:
The Permanent Secretary-Administration,
Ministry of Agriculture
Mulungushi House, Independence Avenue
P.O Box 50197,
Tel: +260-211-254546